I was thinking that a good blog post would be some beards from Flyers past. Enter WIP radio personality, Metro columnist, regular Beard Blog reader, and author of Flyer'd Up!, Brian Startare. I e-mailed Brian to see if he could give me a quick rundown of Best 5 Flyers Beards, which we'll get to in a moment.
For those of you who haven't heard of Flyer'd Up, it is a great read and a must have for Flyers fans. It has stories, trivia, facts, and it is laid out in an easy to read format. Not only will you read it, you will constantly be referencing it and looking at it when discussing Flyers hockey with your friends.
Look, I know what you're saying, nice pitch there Shawny, but I really do enjoy this book and while Brian is my friend, I can independently recommend Flyer'd Up! www.flyersfanbook.com
Back to the beards....
BEST 5 FLYERS BEARDS by Brian Startare
Glen Cochrane...a lumberjack at heart
Bill Flett...The orginal Cowboy!
Marty Biron...last season's locks...impressive
Norm Barnes..classic defenseman and well groomed!
Bernie Parent

...still looks great today, even grey!
Whatta think? Someone missing from this list? I will tell you one thing that is missing, your donation! I'm only at $79.00 so far, so I remind you Beard Blog readers to pledge my beard at:
https://www.beardathon.com/flyers/Dancing Guy/profile.aspx
Phantoms Game 2 tonight! Another reminder to those in the Philadelphia area that tickets are only $10, plus if you attend you can see my beard in person!!
Photo Update:

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